Aerobic Capacity WOD #11

So we are going to try something new here at CFTR. We are going to switch from a weekly Bro Session to a weekly Aerobic Capacity Workout. 

These aerobic capacity workouts will be specifically designed to develop your aerobic metabolism and energy systems. This in turn will contribute to shedding those extra unwanted calories (especially around the holidays) while also contributing to your longevity. 

These workouts will be light to moderate in intensity and will focus on lower skill level exercises making them perfect for any fitness level. These workouts will focus on quality of movement and will incorporate an emphasis on “perfect” repetitions. Finally, these workouts will be longer in duration and will highlight consistency in execution and pacing. 

We subsequently encourage everyone to feel free to bring a friend, family member, loved one or anyone you know might be interested in working out with you. These workouts will be open to everyone, member and non-member alike.

WOD #11:

Partner WOD

2K Row Each At The Same Time


100 Deadlifts @ 55%

100 Ring Push-ups (scale to regular push-ups)

100 GHD Sit-ups (scale to ambit sit-ups)

50 Pull-ups (scale to ring rows)

50 Burpees

50 Sandbag Cleans

WOD DATE AND TIME: Saturday 2/22 and/or 2/23 during Open Gym (7am – 11am).